The Witch is a Korean Romance, Drama (2025). The Witch cast: Roh Jeong Eui, Park Jin Young, Lim Jae Hyeok. The Witch Release Date: February 2025. The Witch Episodes: 10. A man fell in love with Park Mi Jeong who is completely happy with her life having enjoyed as well.
The Witch Detail
Drama: The Witch (2025)
Network: Channel A
Director: Kim Tae Gyoon
Main Stars: Roh Jeong Eui, Park Jin Young, Lim Jae Hyeok
Genres: Romance, Drama
Country: South Korea
Language: Korean
Release Date: February 2025
Season: 1
Aired On: Saturday, Sunday
Episodes: 10
Also Known As: The Witch release date, Manyeo, 마녀, The Witch 2025
The Witch Synopsis and Plot Summary
She’s used to living in her own personal cocoon and away from all the chaos of. But, occasionally she’ll catch glimpses of the smaller adult, more mature who’s been dubbed Lee Dong Jin, from secondary school with an incredible smile. Lee Dong Jin would walk through her neighborhood with a large group of children.
The girl was able to understand the functions of her English abilities, which she’s mastered since she was a an year older.
The woman threw her feet in the bucket and gave her a baby to the universe. In the years that followed her death her image has become a household name over the years, even when she’s appeared to be a little slower.
It is possible that due to her unique and mysterious character at the beginning of the career course she pursued, male students were attracted by the attractive. Every person who saw her could choose between calling her”a “witch “.
The Witch Cast
Jang Hye Jin as Dong Jin’s mom
Jin Seon Kyu as Guest Role
Hyun Bong Sik as Detective
Jeon Hyun Sook as Guest Role
Kwon Han Sol as Seo Da Eun
Nam Joong Gyu as Support Role
Jang Hee Ryung as Heo Eun Sil
Ahn Nae Sang as Support Role
Lim Jae Hyeok as Kim Joong Hyuk
Joo Jong Hyuk as Support Role
Park Jin Young as Lee Dong Jin
Roh Jeong Eui as Park Mi Jeong