The Manipulated is a Korean Drama (2025). The Manipulated cast: Ji Chang Wook, Doh Kyung Soo, Jo Yoon Soo. The Manipulated Release Date: 2025. The Manipulated Episodes: 10. It tells the story of a man’s normal life, which suddenly transforms into hell. He plunges into a pit in his life when it becomes truly in the hands of a lowlife demonization to the lives of people.
The Manipulated Detail
Drama: The Manipulated (2025)
Network: Disney+
Director: Kim Chang Ju
Writer: Oh Sang Ho
Main Stars: Ji Chang Wook, Doh Kyung Soo, Jo Yoon Soo
Genres: Drama
Country: South Korea
Language: Korean
Release Date: 2025
Season: 1
Episodes: 10
Also Known As: Sculptured City, Carved City, Sculpture City, Fabricated City, Jogakdosi, 조각도시, The Manipulated 2025
The Manipulated Synopsis and Plot Summary
It is a bloody revenge story that follows a man living a normal existence until one day his life gets abruptly altered and he goes through hell and then comes back. This is a film by director Kim Chang-joo who directed the film “Restricted Calls” and writer Oh Sang-ho who wrote the first and second seasons of the SBS drama “Taxi Driver,” as well as the film ‘The Outlaws 4 together to create.
Ji Chang-wook is eagerly examining the possibility of playing the role of a normal man whose life gets manipulated and ruined, Do Kyung-soo has raised expectations regarding whether he’ll be able to play his first role in the role of a creator who designs the character’s life. As of now, Do Kyung-soo appears currently on the tvN entertainment show “What You Sow Is What You Get which is currently on air.
The Manipulated Cast
Doh Kyung Soo as An Yo Han
Jo Yoon Soo as No Eun Bi
Pyo Ye Jin as Main Role
Yang Dong Geun as Yeo Deok Su
Lee Kwang Soo as Baek Do Gyeong
Ji Chang Wook as Park Tae Jung