Us and Them is a Korean Romance, Movie (2025). Us and Them cast: Koo Kyo Hwan, Mun Ka Young. Us and Them Release Date: 2025. The story of a sweetheart who is separated by a tragic accident and then reunites after a long time event as if through destiny and then reflects back to their past and reflects on their memories.
Us and Them Detail
Movie: Us and Them (2025)
Director: Kim Do Young
Genres: Romance, Movie
Main Stars: Koo Kyo Hwan, Mun Ka Young
Country: South Korea
Language: Korean
Release Date: 2025
Season: 1
Also Known As: The Distant Future, We, Meon Husnal Uri, 먼 훗날 우리, Us and Them 2025
Us and Them Synopsis and Plot Summary
This is an evocative representation of joy, love, reunions as well as the separation of two people who get together at train stations. Lin Jianqing and Tooth the Xiaoxiao ride the train that is heading back to their home in 2007.
The most memorable times of their lives, vibrant with vibrant and. The easy and warm relationship will bring back memories of their best friendships that will stay at the center of every person’s life.
The wacky and adorable look of two people who eventually come closer to one another but then drift away. can make you smile and feel warm emotions simply by looking.
Lin Jianqing and Tooth Xiaoxiao are young couple who start their new lives with one living in Beijing and the other in Beijing, with hopes for a successful future. But they have to face numerous challenges within their lives. The couple begins to laugh at their relationship, they decide to end their relationship.
Us and Them Cast
Mun Ka Young as Main Role
Koo Kyo Hwan as Main Role
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