Derek Son Tae Woong Synopsis & Plot He is a South Korean director. Son Taewoong who directed the movie which was a horror film ‘Anatomy...
Tag - Gender: Male
Kim Jung Shik Synopsis Kim Jung Shik, an actor who has been called to be a pastor in 2007. He is currently trying to be The artistic director. Pastor Kim...
Byun Sung Hyun Plot Byun Sung-hyun was seated at a cafe within Jongno-gu, Seoul on the night of June 6, to celebrate the film’s release. Netflix movie...
Jin Hyung Wook Plot Jin Hyung Woo explained the differences from his earlier films in the launching of the production for KBS”new”weekend show...
Park Joon Hwa Synopsis Park Joon Hwa is attending the presentation of the Monday-Tuesday drama on tvN “Because It’s My First Life’ in the...
Park Seung Woo Plot Park Seung Woo is a South Korean executive. The Revenant, released in Korea this year, is a movie that is based on a real novel written by...
Park Hee Kwon Intro Park Hee Kwon is a South Korean screen writer. Biography First Name: Hee Kwon Native Name: 박희권 Also Known as: Park Hui...