Park Seung Woo Plot Park Seung Woo is a South Korean executive. The Revenant, released in Korea this year, is a movie that is based on a real novel written by...
Tag - Gender: Male
Park Hee Kwon Intro Park Hee Kwon is a South Korean screen writer. Biography First Name: Hee Kwon Native Name: 박희권 Also Known as: Park Hui...
Shim Jae Hyun Plot Shim Jae Hyun is a South Korean director. Shim Jae-hyun was a guest during the presentation of production for KBS 2TV’s upcoming...
Lee Jung Heum Plot Lee Jung Heum is a South Korean director. “Manipulation” is a film about a problematic reporter Han the Moo-young of an...
Yoo Kwan Mo Intro Yoo Kwan Mo is a South Korean current director. Yoo Kwan Mo, who directed his seventh KBS 2TV UHD KBS Drama Special 2020 film...
Zizak Intro
Zizak is a South Korean director & writer.
Native Name: 지작
Nationality: South Korean
Gender: Male
Jang Joon Ho Plot Jang Joon Ho is having an Q&A session during the conference of production for the miniseries that airs Wednesday-Thursday on The Game:...