Na Young Seok Plot Na Young Seok is an group of actors, which comprises Lee Seo Jin and Lee Seung Gi along with the model Hong Jin-kyung and the MC Ji-won...
Tag - Biography
Park Shin Woo About He is the executive director for his company, the Hansoo Group. Han Dong-oh is a character which has earned praise for his loyal...
Ahn Sang Hoon Plot Ahn Sang Hoon is a South Korean director, screenwriter and producer. He graduated and completed his studies at the Institute of Theatre...
Kim Jee Woon Synopsis His birthplace was Seoul in 1964. After being exiled from the department of theatre of Seoul Institute of the Arts Seoul Institute of the...
Lee Jae Gyoo Plot Lee Jae Gyoo is a South Korean director. He was initially averse to zombie movies, however it appears that he watched and studied a variety...
Chun Sung Il Plot Chun Sung Il is a South Korean film director, Chun Sung-il is back on smaller screens after four months since the release of “7th grade...
Kim Hee Jung Synopsis Her birthplace was Seoul, Korea. After graduation from the Seoul Institute of the Arts and then enrolled at the Lodz Film School and...