Myung Soo Hyun Plot Myung Soo Hyun never loses her charisma and is a masterful at capturing the joys and sorrows of teenagers. In the show “Unlucky...
Tag - Biography
Jang Yoo Jung Plot & Synopsis Jang Yoo Jung is an actor and director who has earned recognition on screen and stage. He has studied theatre at the...
Kim Byung Wook Intro Kim Byung Wook is a korean actor and a director. Biography First Name: Kim Native Name: 김병욱 Also Known as: Kim Byung...
Min Yeon Hong Plot Director Min Yeonhong addresses journalists’ questions at the press conference to promote the Disney Plus series ‘Royal Roader...
Hong Eui Jung Synopsis Hong Eui Jung attends the red carpet during the Buil Film Awards held at the BEXCO Auditorium in U-dong, Haeundae-gu, Busan on the 7th...
Lee Jang Hoon Plot Lee Jang Hoon is an South Korean director. Director Lee Jang-hoon is scheduled to respond to questions at the meeting of the production...
Yoo Ji Tae Plot & Synopsis Yoo Ji Tae performs as a South Korean model, actor and film director. Yoo Ji Tae has gained fame throughout all of the...