Jason Kim Plot Kim Joo-hwan demonstrates his warmth to viewers in his latest film “Puppy”. “Puppy,” which is set to be released...
Tag - Biography
Hwang Dong Hyuk Plot Hwang Dong Hyuk is a South Korean director. Hwang Donghyeok: “I’m thankful that so many people congratulated our airport...
Jo Won Gyu Plot Jo Won Gyu who wrote an autobiography about the effects of prostitution and drug use which he witnessed during his time working in the Gangnam...
Park Noo Ri Plot Park Noo Ri is a South Korean female director. Park Noo-ri, who been through 15 years of her career, began her career as the youngest...
Baek Min Hee Intro Baek Min Hee is a South Korean female director. Biography First Name: Min Hee Native Name: 백민희 Also Known as: Baek...
Jin Chang Gyu Synopsis Jin Chang Gyu is a South Korean film director. Jin Chang Gyu will be giving an address at the MBC’s production launch for...
Zizak Intro
Zizak is a South Korean director & writer.
Native Name: 지작
Nationality: South Korean
Gender: Male