Jang Jin Plot & Synopsis He is a South Korean film boss, performer and TV character and considered one of the most incredible voices to emerge from the...
Tag - Age: 53
Lee Sook Yun Intro Lee Sook Yun is a South Korean female film writer. Biography First Name: Sook Yun Native Name: 이숙연 Also Known as: Lee...
Lee Myung Woo Plot Director Lee Myung-woo, who directed the drama ‘The Fiery Priest’, returns with his new paintings ‘Boyhood’.On the...
Lee Jae Gyoo Plot Lee Jae Gyoo is a South Korean director. He was initially averse to zombie movies, however it appears that he watched and studied a variety...
Chun Sung Il Plot Chun Sung Il is a South Korean film director, Chun Sung-il is back on smaller screens after four months since the release of “7th grade...
Hwang Dong Hyuk Plot Hwang Dong Hyuk is a South Korean director. Hwang Donghyeok: “I’m thankful that so many people congratulated our airport...
Woo Min Ho Plot Woo Min Ho is South Korean movie chief. Woo Min Ho went to the press screening of the film ‘Inside Men’ held at Megabox Dongdaemun...