Eccentric Romance is a Korean Mystery, Romance, Drama (2024). Eccentric Romance cast: Yoon Jun Won, Save Saisawat, Geonu. Eccentric Romance Release Date: 2024. Eccentric Romance Episodes: 12. Min Woo and Sung Hoon are close friends for many years. They both hide their thoughts from each other, which is more than just a couple. They go to the same college and enroll in the human sciences fundamental course together.
Eccentric Romance Detail
Drama: Eccentric Romance (2024)
Director: Kong Ja Kwan
Main Stars: Yoon Jun Won, Save Saisawat, Geonu
Genres: Mystery, Romance, Drama
Country: South Korea
Language: Korean
Release Date: 2024
Season: 1
Episodes: 12
Also Known As: Bizarre Romance, PT Is Love, Giihan Romaenseu, Pitwi (PT) Neun Sarang, 기이한로맨스, 피튀(PT)는 사랑, 기이한 로맨스, Eccentric Romance 2024
Eccentric Romance Synopsis and Plot Summary
This is a youthful sentiment that is likewise a secret and satire that follows the unpolished confronted Sung-hoon who is an individual from the club and the youthful looking and beguiling Jay when they run over a homicide secret that is dubious and attempt to find the individual mindful. Yoon Jun-won who is the hero of the film, has clearly prevailed upon fans in the country with his presentation as an ideal honest heartfelt.
Seo Joo-ho’s personality in the electronic show “When I Was Picked by a Harasser’ Seasons 1 and 2, and “When I fell head over heels for a Domineering jerk’ season 3 which has crossed 200 million perspectives altogether. Furthermore, his oriental veil with an enchanting grin, the a scholarly energy that is made with his regular vocal and his familiar English abilities have enraptured the hearts of fans from everywhere the world.
Saisawat who plays the other fundamental person of the show Saisawat is a notable Thai entertainer. He has assembled an amazing fan base in Korea by ethicalness of his honest and enchanting picture. He’s right now drummer, and has in excess of 260,000 fans on Instagram and is living in Korea to film.
Gong Ja-kwan, the overseer of “Peculiar Sentiment,” has been lauded for bringing true to life greatness through various movies and taking the’new film’ classification to a higher level. There’s a lot of energy for this creation that is coordinated by him who mixes individual encounters and dreams in every one of his works and tells an eccentric story. an unassuming story.
Eccentric Romance Cast
Geonu as Seung Ju
Kim Tae Ha as Ji Won
Go Byung Wan as Jin Wook
Yoon Jun Won as Seong Hoon
Save Saisawat as Jay