Korean Drama List (2025) upcoming

Dear X (2025)

Dear X cast: Yoon Kye Sang, Im Se Mi, Kim Yo Han. Dear X Release Date: 2024. Dear X Episodes: 12.
Dear X cast: Yoon Kye Sang, Im Se Mi, Kim Yo Han. Dear X Release Date: 2024. Dear X Episodes: 12.
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Dear X is a Korean Romance, Drama (2025). Dear X cast: Yoon Kye Sang, Im Se Mi, Kim Yo Han. Dear X Release Date: 2025. Dear X Episodes: 12. She will not tolerate anyone who irks her by revealing her dark side. To obtain what she wants she places people in her vicinity under her control and manages them. She has the ability to discern the opinions of her adversaries.

Dear X Detail

Drama: Dear X (2025)
Network: TVING
Director: Lee Eung Bok
Main Stars: Yoon Kye Sang, Im Se Mi, Kim Yo Han
Genres: Romance, Drama
Country: South Korea
Language: Korean
Release Date: 2025
Season: 1
Episodes: 12
Also Known As: Chinaehaneun X, 친애하는 X, Dear X 2025

Dear X Synopsis and Plot Summary

The story of a woman who wants to be successful through the help of others to accomplish what she desires. Her rise to fame came after she was made an actress. She is thrown off her pedestal and loses the love from a guy who is alongside her.

Kim Young-dae was first introduced at the end of 2017 with the online-based show “Omniscient Point of View Special Edition”, which was included in the show “Extraordinary You,” as along with “When you’re Weather Is Fine’, The Penthouse’, ‘If You cheat You Die “Shooting Star,” “Marriage Forbidden Order” Moon which Rises During the Day and “The Moon that rises during The Day. and became an acclaimed actor.

Kim Yoo-jung played the woman character Baek Ah-jin. She co-stars alongside Kim Young Dae. Baek Ah-jin, played Kim Yoo-jung, is an notorious sociopath with an amazing appearance and charming and friendly persona, but she isn’t afraid to display her dark side and punish anyone who doesn’t believe in her.

Dear X Cast

Kim Young Dae as Yun Jun Seo

Kim Do Hoon as Kim Jae O

Lee Yeol Eum as Lena

Hwang In Youp as Heo In Gang

Kim You Jung as Baek A Jin

About the author


Seo-Yun is the Chief Seo Expert and the founder of “korean-drama-list.com”.She has a very deep interest in all Korean Dramas, movies, serial, shows whatsoever. Her passion, dedication, and quick decision-making ability stand apart from others.

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