Chun Sung Il Plot Chun Sung Il is a South Korean film director, Chun Sung-il is back on smaller screens after four months since the release of “7th grade...
Category - Director & Writer
Kim Hee Jung Synopsis Her birthplace was Seoul, Korea. After graduation from the Seoul Institute of the Arts and then enrolled at the Lodz Film School and...
Hwang Da Seul Plot Hwang Da Seul may be called “God Da-seul” among the fans of Korean BL programs. In Korea the country that’s one of the...
Kwon Nam Ki Synopsis Kwon Nam Ki who disclosed the fact that Kwon Nam Ki working to improve the plot to make it more stable and enjoyable. is considered to be...
Kang Dae Gyu Plot It is an South Korean director. Kang Dae Gyu who is appearing in front of audiences by telling a touching family story in the wake of...
Choi Won Sub Plot Choi Won Sub is answering questions during the production meeting to discuss the film “Hitman” held at Lotte Cinema Konkuk...
Jang Hang Joon Synopsis Jang Hang Joon is a South Korean director. Jang Hang Joon’s gift for charisma and talent don’t only shine in...