Park Seung Woo Plot Park Seung Woo is a South Korean executive. The Revenant, released in Korea this year, is a movie that is based on a real novel written by...
Category - Biography
Park Hee Kwon Intro Park Hee Kwon is a South Korean screen writer. Biography First Name: Hee Kwon Native Name: 박희권 Also Known as: Park Hui...
Shim Jae Hyun Plot Shim Jae Hyun is a South Korean director. Shim Jae-hyun was a guest during the presentation of production for KBS 2TV’s upcoming...
Jung Da Won Plot He graduated in the Film Department at Konkuk University. After graduation, he was an actor as well as a member of the crew of feature...
Lee Jung Heum Plot Lee Jung Heum is a South Korean director. “Manipulation” is a film about a problematic reporter Han the Moo-young of an...
Yoo Kwan Mo Intro Yoo Kwan Mo is a South Korean current director. Yoo Kwan Mo, who directed his seventh KBS 2TV UHD KBS Drama Special 2020 film...
Noh Hee Kyung Plot Noh Hee Kyung is known to be a South Korean writer. Noh Hee Kyung is writer of drama, marked her 20th birthday anniversary in the year...