Lee Jang Hoon Plot Lee Jang Hoon is an South Korean director. Director Lee Jang-hoon is scheduled to respond to questions at the meeting of the production...
Category - Biography
Yoo Ji Tae Plot & Synopsis Yoo Ji Tae performs as a South Korean model, actor and film director. Yoo Ji Tae has gained fame throughout all of the...
Lee Hwan Intro Lee Hwan is a South Korean film director & actor. Biography First Name: Hwan Native Name: 이환 Nationality: South Korean Gender:...
Chae Ki Jun Intro Chae Ki Jun is a South Korean entertainer, right hand chief proofreader maker essayist, craftsman chief and entertainer. Biography First...
Derek Son Tae Woong Synopsis & Plot He is a South Korean director. Son Taewoong who directed the movie which was a horror film ‘Anatomy...
Kim Jung Shik Synopsis Kim Jung Shik, an actor who has been called to be a pastor in 2007. He is currently trying to be The artistic director. Pastor Kim...
Lee Kwang Young Synopsis Lee Kwang-young was seen an event with her at a event for the making of Disney+ original series ‘Say It’s Love’...