Kim Ga Ram Plot Kim Ga Ram is a South Korean chief. Kim Ga Ram was entangled in claims of school viciousness before his presentation. At the point when Kim Ga...
Category - Biography
Mo Hong Jin Synopsis & Plot Mo Hong Jin is a film boss and writer. Mo Hong-jin figured out the assumption for the creation, saying, “I not entirely...
Kim Bong Han Plot & Synopsis Kim Bong Han is a South Korean boss. Kim Bong-han is answering requests at the creation report fulfilling for the film...
Song Hyun Wook Synopsis Song Hyun Wook is a South Korean director and making of ‘Elegant Friends’ delivered, “There are each male and lady...
Yoo Seon Dong Plot Yoo Seon-dong is giving a speech throughout a press screening of the movie ‘0.0MHz’ held at CGV Yongsan I-Park Mall in Yongsan...
Lee Myung Woo Plot Director Lee Myung-woo, who directed the drama ‘The Fiery Priest’, returns with his new paintings ‘Boyhood’.On the...
Kim Sung Yong Plot Kim Sung-yong is South Korean director and is expressing his mind at the manufacturing convention for MBC’s Friday-Saturday drama...