Baek Seung Hwan Plot Seung Hwan is a South Korean chief. His most memorable more limited movie Substitute Driver (2017) was chosen for the opposition segment...
Category - Biography
Im Pil Sung Plot He has regularly created films like “Madame Bbaengdeok,” “Report of Human Destruction as well as ‘Hansel & Gretel...
Han Jae Rim Synopsis Han Jae-rim who coordinated the movies ‘ElegantWorld’ The Face Peruser The Lord’ and Crisis Statement is presently the...
Yang Woo Seok Synopsis Yang Woo seok filled in as a maker and webtoon essayist, strolling the way of a blended maker. He is presently planning to bring to the...
Kwak Jung Hwan Plot The maker Kwak Jeong-hwan is responsible for reinforcing the show creation capacities of Lotte Diversion, the substance business division...