Jang Jin Plot & Synopsis He is a South Korean film boss, performer and TV character and considered one of the most incredible voices to emerge from the...
Category - Biography
Bang Eun Jin Synopsis Bang Eun Jin smiles as she attends the clicking conference and press convention for the movie “Method” held at CGV Yongsan I...
Seo Sook Hyang Plot Gong Hyo-jin and Seo Sook-hyang have made development with each show they have got cooperated on, from MBC’s ‘Pasta’ to...
Park Hoon Jung Synopsis Park Hoon Jung is a South Korean movie director. Park Hoon-jung stated on the manufacturing report assembly for “Tyrant”...
Lee Sook Yun Intro Lee Sook Yun is a South Korean female film writer. Biography First Name: Sook Yun Native Name: 이숙연 Also Known as: Lee...
Kim Yoon Jin Self Intro Kim Yoon Jin is a male South Korean director. Biography First Name: Yoon Jin Native Name: 김윤진 Also Known as: Kim...
Kim Han Min Plot Kim Han-min who coordinated ‘Thundering Flows’, said at the eighteenth, “I thought, ‘Is this truely my film?'”...